

Garden of Love

Holy Mother ignites the beauty of the immaculate flowers of love. Reconnect deeply to your soul within, Garden of Eden, eternal love and contentment. Returning home, embodying your soul to peace and bliss.

FOLLOW the way inside your being,
LOVE is what you are made of,
OPEN your heart and see the,
WONDERS that your soul has to offer,
ENDLESS path of discovery,
RESTING in more beauty and ease, as you see the,
SOUL as the Master of your creations.

OVER and over again you shall smell the,
FRAGEANCE that can be lived in the now.

PLACE your focus on the grounding Presence,
EASE and grace shall flourish in your life,
ACCEPT to see the shadow parts that emerge,
CLEAR all unbalanced thoughts and emotions,
ENTER into the mystery and mastery of the soul.


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