

Ignite your mastery

Cosmic beings of light you are, holding the sacred wisdom of creation. Open to your expansive nature as you are held and nourished beyond measure.

UNIVERSE you birth from, and you return,
NATURAL state of cosmic light,
INSIDE you sit the gateways to it all,
VOID you access when you surrender,
EMBRACE your cosmic essence,
REMEMBER that you are a powerful master,
SURRENDER your narrow perception of all,
ALLOW the Universal Mothers to show you how,
LIGNAGE of Ancestral wisdom is withheld.

MOTHERS assist you to expand, be your truth,
OPENING to the Void where all is birthed,
TOGETHER you shall receive,
HELP that is needed in your now comes forth,
EMBODY the future you that is waiting for you,
REST in your Presence of the now,
SURRENDER to the high version of you and thrive!




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