

Womb of creation

Connect deeply through the sole of your feet with the sacred sites on the Earth. These places act as relay points that ignite the light girds of the planet. This ignites webs of light, creating geometrical energy vortexes that enable you to connect with the womb of creation where all is possible.

ALL is recorded in the core of the Earth,
NOTHING is forgotten nor left behind,
CHANNEL your light and share it with all,
INIFINATE wisdom will be revealed,
ELDERS guide you to find your way,
NURISH your life with love, live in awe,
TRANSCEND the truth that was never yours.

TRANSFORM your way of seeing and living,
ENABLE the travelling through the Earth grids,
ACKNOWLEDGE the beauty of the inner planes,
CHERISH the teachings the Ancient Ones share,
HIGH you shall fly as you go deeper within,
INSPIRED by the potency of the sacred sites,
NUMEROUS gifts you will receive as you recall,
GOING beyond all imagination, so much more,
SINGING through the grids of light of creation.




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